Slow down & breathe

Welcome, soul friends!

There is no mistake that you’ve landed here, at My Yoga Essence. This is a healing place for us like-minded souls to slow down and breathe in this gift of being here and now. It’s a sacred space to share, learn, grow, heal and transform together to make a difference in this world. When we become a collective, the magic between us expands beyond this world and across time and space.

Founded by Carol Man, Intuitive Yoga & Qigong Teacher, Myofascial Release Teacher & Trainer, Energy Healer, and Nature Lover. Offering multi-modalities of energy healing and intuitive wisdom to guide and support you to come back to your innate healed, balanced, and whole self that is already within you!


✧ Begin your self-care journey here ✧

  1. SIGN UP for the FREE 5 days Mini Yang Sheng to nourish your energy (Qi) for the five elements that exist within and around you. The more you align yourself with the universe, you more you experience your highest self and full expression in life.

  2. JOIN the Online Healing Studio to take charge of your own energy on a daily basis whether it’s for self-care or self-healing. You have an online community and ME to support you in your wellbeing journey so you can enjoy living a happy and healthy life.

5 Days Mini Yang Sheng

Qigong for Self-Healing

Everything in life requires energy and if you are feeling tired, stressed, or lack of energy, then you need to cultivate Qi (energy) into your life. This is a FREE 5 Days Mini Yang Sheng (10 minutes of Qigong each day) to help you conserve, preserve, protect and nurture your life force energy! Giving you a short-term support to tonify your energy within the five elements within you and around you, with a long-term goal for health, wellbeing, disease prevention, self-healing, and longevity!

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Online Healing Studio

Start your self-healing practice at home

You can shift your energy every day with a healing practice in the comfort of your own home! The Online Healing Studio is a sacred and supportive space that offers ONE-OF-A-KIND and TRANSFORMATIONAL self-care practices so that you can be in charge of your own energy for self-healing. Activate your Qi/energy at your fingertips with access to 300+ healing practices (Yin and Yang Yoga, Qigong, Myofascial Release, Acupressure, and Meditation).

Whether you are looking for self-care healing practices to inspire you on and off the mat or to dive deeper into your self-healing journey, I am here to walk side-by-side with you to help you heal, grow and transform.

From $0.99 cents/day to shift your energy and make it your best day every day!

Myofascial Release for energy flow

Myofascial Release for Everyone

Online Workshop

Experience the magic of roll + restore using myofascial release balls to target trigger points in the body and release tension in the connective tissues. With over 2 hours of content, you will learn the basic knowledge of fascia and experience a full body deep tissue self-massage using Therapy Balls. A bonus video to learn how to have self-facial fascia release. If you have any tension and stress in the body, this workshop is for you!

Myofascial Release & Yoga for Teachers

Online Teacher Training

A 12-hours online self-paced teacher training focuses on Myofascial Release and Yin Yoga that is intended to give you the tools to upskill as a Yoga Teacher to start teaching Myofascial Release and introduce MyoYin to provide a rich experience for your yoga students in classes or workshops.

Myofascial Release Therapy Balls

Myofascial release therapy balls target trigger points in the body and release tension in the connective tissues/fascia. The therapy balls aim to restore the fascia, build tissue resilience and release tension in common areas of the body - head, neck, shoulders, back, hips, legs and feet and literally any parts of the body that needs a bit of love - it feels like a deep tissue self-massage. This is Qi for the body.

Energy Reading & Healing

Intuitive Reading (Medical intuition)

Do you need intuitive guidance on your direction or a unique perspective about an issue that you are facing? 

Medical Intuition is complementary medicine using intuitive abilities to perceive energy for reading and healing the underlying cause of a physical, emotional, and mental condition. An intuitive reading consists of 3 parts: a rose reading, answering one main question, and a hand-pulled rose oracle card.

Intuitive Healing

Do you experience energy blocks that may be hindering you from your full expression in life?

Intuitive healing is helpful for general or specific concerns if there are any physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual blocks that you experience. By assessing the area that is affecting your body and health where energy healing helps to release and remove energy blocks that moves you out of alignment with your highest self.

Energy Protection Prayer

The Light of the Divine surrounds me.
The Love of the Divine enfolds me.
The Power of the Divine protects me.
The Presence of the Divine watches over me.
Wherever I go, the Divine is.